John & Rainey Gibson are the founders of Unidentified Flying Studios located at 716 S. Lamar Blvd. Austin, Texas 78704. Their working relationship and marriage is unique because of the way in which it harmonizes from the smallest things to the biggest of projects. They were first aware of this strong harmony when talking about the things they love and hate on their first date. John loves small crowds, Rainey loves large ones. John loves to make films, Rainey loves to produce them. John loves eating, Rainey loves cooking. It is from this harmony that Unidentified Flying Studios has been able to bloom so quickly and successfully. It also doesn't hurt that John Gibson has been Co-founder and Director of his previous video production company, Real Normal Productions.
Elizabeth Avellan, Producer & Co-owner of Troublemaker Studios has said before of her long term working relationship with Robert Rodriguez that, "Robert is like the kite in the sky that everyone loves to look up and adore while I'm the one holding the string on the ground and milling around talking to all the people."
Thank goodness Rainey loves kites and John loves the wind.
Please check out more of our upcoming projects at ufstudio.com
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